Aperitivo @BareFood
Every Friday & Saturday from 16h to 21h. - Come and enjoy carefully crafted cocktails & mocktails, a glass of wine or a fresh pint. This in combination with our Italian Aperitivi.
Every Friday & Saturday from 16h to 21h. - Come and enjoy carefully crafted cocktails & mocktails, a glass of wine or a fresh pint. This in combination with our Italian Aperitivi.
Monday to Saturday from 8.30am to 11am. - Our carefully compiled and one-of-a-kind Suitcase Breakfast is ready for you every weekday and Saturday. Reserve your spot in time!
Every Sunday from 8.30am to 1.30pm. - Our delicious and gastronomic breakfast is served every Sunday. Enjoy quietly and extensively with your family, friends or partner.
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